There are cities that are timeless. They feature in travellers' tales over centuries, for their beauty is inescapable, their allure, undeniable. This is one such city; we call her Venice.
Lying somewhere between reality and a dream, Venice leaves its visitors entranced. However, with 50 000 people descending upon this city daily, it's difficult to hear the creaking of structures that have held their place for centuries, stand on a bridge and imagine the generations that lived and passed in this city, or walk through a plaza and feel the gentle breeze bring the smell of freshly baked bread. I'm of the opinion that Venice is best enjoyed with less people around. if you're anything like me, rise before dawn, walk through the deserted streets, over bridges, through plazas; sit on the edge of the water, and watch the undulating waves that both define and threaten the existence of this city. It may only be a moment, but it will be one to treasure for a lifetime, for in the silence of the morning you will have seen the beauty that is Venice.
“There are now only four hundred gondolas at work in the city. Only four are made each year. The boat cannot last for ever. After twenty or so years of service, its woodwork will warp and weaken. It is then taken to the island of Murano, where its wood is used to kindle the flames of the glass-works. It becomes part of another city industry, its energy transformed into Venetian glass.”