Scrap that. Have two.

Most cronuts I've ever tasted have been an over-hyped cross-breed; an unnecessary deviation from both the croissant and doughnut. Because of this, I was sceptical about Brewtown Newtown's version, nevermind the widespread reviews which raved about it. After all, how good could it be? Not that it mattered anyway. I would be visiting for the relaxed ambience and superb coffee; not for the cronut. Or so I told myself.

However, when the doughnut with an identity crisis arrived on the table, I couldn't help but take a bite. My husband's cinammon encrusted lips had already extended into a huge grin, beaming with satisfaction. I won't bore you with the details of my conversion, but, I liked the cronut. A lot.

Despite all my prior reservations, I would most definitely go back for this one. Partnered with their wonderfully smooth coffee, Brewtown provides much more than a dessert and caffeine "fix"... I haven't been this content with both the dessert and coffee in a while; and that's saying a lot.  I have a feeling I'll be around this joint with increasing regularity. If you ever end up going, call me maybe?



This girl is probably going to feature on the blog with relative regularity, so I'm not going to write a long feature on her yet, but we had dinner last night, and I just had to capture her get-up. She's a supremely warm, gentle-hearted and generous person, with one of the prettiest smiles I know.

One feature we share is our resting face. It's not a smiley one. It doesn't mean our emotions span any combination of negative emotional states, it's just the way we are. Consequently, we've both been told that we can look rather cold. But I'll say it here, and again and again- don't believe such impressions; her heart shines brighter than this citron yellow trench coat she wears. Introducing my beautiful friend, Min Lee. 

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My significant other is an Adelaide boy, which means we try to visit as often as we can to spend time with family there. The resulting four or five days are filled with constant laughter, and largely due to this little one. The whole family can sit around for hours and be endlessly entertained by the antics of little Lois, who we can't get enough of. In anticipation of our next Adelaide visit coming up in less than a fortnight, I pulled a few shots from our last visit a few months ago. Isn't she the cutest?

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