nsw — AUSTRALIA — Jiwon Kae



A short distance from Laurel Hill, a beautiful walkway lined with Sugar Pines is hidden inside the Bago Forest. It may be a relatively short corridor of trees, but these imposing pines stand as though to guide and protect the wanderer. And wander you should; for Sugar Pines are not only the largest and tallest of all the pines in the world, but they are native to the Pacific Coast of North America. 

So drive out on a weekend, take a walk and sit for a while. Pretend you're in the mountains of California, and enjoy the quiet rustling of the leaves on the canopy high above. Watch the changing colour of the forest as the rays which illuminated the patch on which you stand disappear behind the trunks of the pines; watch as the sun dips beyond the horizon, until all is dark and you're left with memories of the magic that was. 


GETTING THERE: Just after the town of Laurel Hill, turn right from Batlow-Tumbarumba Rd into the Bago Forest along Knopsens Road. Follow this road for about 400m, and you'll see the entrance to the Sugar Pine Walk. Visit on a weekend (it's a 5 hour drive from Sydney), or do what we did and visit on the way to Melbourne.